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Family Culture

We're not "like a family" - 

we ARE a family.

Law of Attraction and 

Attitude of Gratitude 

are infused into our culture.

Guaranteed Referrals

Your first meeting is free, 
and you will receive 
3 warm referrals
on-the-spot and 23 after you join.
Mike will blow up your phone.

Completely Online

Attend all our meetings and events online from the comfort of your own home or office. No time wasted driving. Join one group, and you can visit groups all across the U.S., Canada and Europe.

Rapid Growth

400+ Members worldwide.

43 Groups in 18 states, 

Canada and Europe, with

more locations coming soon!

Professionals Share How NRG Has Multiplied Their Success:

Networking for a Lifetime

We are the premier networking organization that brings selling professionals and business owners together in 18 US states, Canada and Europe (see our groups page), to help them expand their businesses locally and nationally through warm referrals. We are expanding into more locations each month. Our differentiator is the PINball System, a warm referral generating process. We offer business training and education and mega-networking events to our members as well. 

To find out if NRG is right for you, check out one of our 43 weekly meetings or our next event! Contact Mike Weiner at 443.756.9656 to find out more.

Be our guest at our next NRG Extravaganza and Speaker Series Events.
 Looking for a list of NRG Groups and locations?
   Read what our members are saying about their successes with NRG.

How did NRG pivot at the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic to become the successful global organization is it today? Watch this interview with "New Bizz Buzz" Host Leon Thomas.

NRG Guest Welcome Message!

20+ Years Of Networking

Network Referral Group (NRG) has a proven warm lead-generating system that can help you grow you business in any economy!